About Us

St. Andrew’s is a faith community of the United Church of Canada with a rich, progressive, and continuing history of welcoming all in the name of Christ. We are located in the heart of Yorkton, Saskatchewan. 


The United Church of Canada came together in 1925, through a union of Methodist, Presbyterian, Congregational, and other Christian churches – one of the first ecumenical unions in the world to bring together major Christian denominations into one body. 


The current building was opened in 1910 and was originally a Presbyterian Church. It is built in traditional Gothic architecture. It has thirteen stained glass windows depicting the symbols of the founding bodies within the United Church of Canada. In the beautiful sanctuary, you can hear a two-manual Casavant Pipe Organ dedicated in 1948 to those who laid down their lives in the two world wars.


St. Andrew’s is a community of faith that seeks to live God’s love in the world without barriers of ability, culture, race, gender, sexuality or faith. This is a place where questions about faith, scripture and our place in the world are encouraged.


The community includes young and old, a mix of ethnic diversity, a variety of sexual orientations, genders, and abilities.